Abstract and paper upload

Abstract upload

In the abstract upload process, only the first name, last name and email of the corresponding author are provided. The names of the other authors will be included in the abstract template.

    Coresponding autor first name*:
    Coresponding autor last name*:
    Coresponding autor email*:

    Paper Upload

    In the final paper upload process, only the first name, last name and email of the corresponding author are provided. The names of the other authors will be included in the paper template.

      Coresponding autor first name*:
      Coresponding autor last name*:
      Coresponding autor email*:

      If your publication is not suitable for direct upload due to the file size, please place your contribution in a cloud location and place the link here:


      Templates are here: For autors
      Important dates are here: Important dates
      Conference fee and payment method are here: Conference fee and payment